Saturday, May 12, 2012

Are Children a Reason for Mothers to Stay in a Marriage?

‘What message am I sending my boys if I stay with their father after his affair,’ was the question being posed to me.  Before I answered, I quickly thought of my mother and wondered if she ever posed that question to herself.  My mom raised five children while maintaining a marriage that was often bitter-sweet.  Through it all, she instilled Christian values in her children even when we didn’t see them modeled in our father. 
The message you’re sending your boys is one of unconditional love, I answered.  Your decision to work on your marriage is a message of commitment to your husband and to your children.  It’s telling your boys that you don’t give up the first time an issue arises.  It’s an unselfish message of how their happiness is important enough to you that you’re willing to work through issues with your husband in order to provide a healthy two-parent home for them.  The message is one of forgiveness, and of faith --- faith in God that He can and will change things for your good.
These are the things I learned watching my mother, and the things I hope I’ve taught my own son.          

Today I salute all mothers, especially those who’ve stayed in a not-so-perfect marriage in order to provide a healthy two-parent home for their children. May God bless you this Mother’s Day and forever more.

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