Sunday, May 10, 2009

Nothing Like being a Mother

I’ve always wanted to be a mother. When I graduated from high school back in the late seventy’s, I wasn’t certain if I wanted to pursue a career in teaching or journalism, but I knew for certain that motherhood had to be in my future. Back then, I would say, “I might not be the best wife, or have the best marriage, but I know I will be a good mother.” In part, I knew this because I had an excellent example of a good, godly mother in my own mother.

What I didn’t realize then is that in order to be the mother I desired to be, it would require me to purposefully work on being a good wife, too. We are our childrens' first teachers and they learn first by watching what we do. As my son began to grow, I quickly realized that a healthy marriage would benefit him in ways I had not considered.

There have been times in my marriage where I’ve held my tongue when I wanted to scream, laughed when I wanted to cry, and tried again to work through issues when I wanted to give up. I was willing to work through the hardships in order to provide a loving and genuine family environment for my son. Isn’t that what all good mothers’ do? I was willing to give my marriage all I had because I believed my son deserved to have the best family and home environment possible.

This mother’s day I am reminded of the gift of motherhood and the answered prayer for a child. As we celebrate the love and dedication of mothers to their children and families, I encourage you to make your marriage a priority; it’s one of the best gifts you can give your children.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Jamison Foster Gavin’s mother, Yvette

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